The Killer App Already Installed in Every Single Mobile Device

Rui Nunes
5 min readAug 2, 2016


Quite literally everyone has this app pre-installed

Everyone is talking about Pokémon. How it’s growing like crazy, dethroning social media networks like Twitter, Pinterest and hurting revenue flow from giants like Facebook and Google. Changing people’s daily attention and time to search for virtual beings. Call me crazy.

If there’s a commodity that is really scarce and limited is… time!

We all have the exact same amount of time everyday to spend in what we consider more important or attention driven. Some choose to spend it sleeping, partying, working, spending with their family… or doing nothing. Between what one considers important, there’s lots of small routines. Some of those routines is what we check on the mobile device.

Let’s focus on that for a moment: your mobile, which is becoming a limbic part of your body. Even on your cluttered mobile screen, filled with app folders you usually just check two or three apps on regular basis according to your needs and habit. So, the ultimate goal for any brand is to be one of those apps, am I right?

What if… you could reach your audience on a seamless way, throughout a myriad of operating systems, devices, app versions and even be available on desktops or mainly any web browser? Com’on Rui, you’re day dreaming…

It’s true. There is… and it’s been here almost since the internet was created. It’s a part of our daily lives, our habits and almost everyone knows how to work with it. Haven’t figured out yet? It’s not that hard.


(scroll to see the answer)




(drums rolling in the deep - sorry Adele -)














Yeap, it’s Email. Electronic Mail on your virtual Inbox.

Wait, I’ve read 6 paragraphs to end up knowing that we’re talking about something so old school as Email?

Bear with me just a few more minutes. You won’t regret it.

Every single mobile device has an app for that. If not, you can check it on your browser. So, this means that it’s platform and device agnostic. If you have a web access, you can send and receive emails, right?

There’s even appropriate apps for this channel on every single system. It’s been like that even before the App Store massification. It was built in with every device. Even Nokia have this app, imagine that.

But I hear you… It’s not sexy anymore. When we hear this word, our eyes start to roll and we make a face like if we’re talking about an abomination. Yet, it works!

It’s more sexy to speak about messaging apps, social networks, the power of the apps. The virtual augmented reality game that let’s us catch imaginary crazy animals. Yet, it works!

Teens don’t use it anymore. It’s going to die when the Generation X, Generation Y (Millennials) are too old to touch a screen. The Generation Z don’t use it anymore. Is that a fact?? Yet, it works.

There’s so much bad name and malpractice on this medium that we end up on spam boxes all over the place. You might end up that way if you do things the wrong way. Yet, it works.

We can argue all day long, but what we can’t refute are facts. You know… numbers and truths based on research and real data. Yeah, boring as hell to see numbers… and yet… it works.

There’s an accountable 2.6 billion email users in 2016 — beat that, Facebook ;-) — and it’s still growing to an estimated 3 billion email users in 2020. This means that almost half of the world population will be using email. Pretty impressive, don’t you think? Staggering for something that it’s been called dead.

Email is reportedly 40x better than Facebook and Twitter at acquiring new customers. Forty times better than the networks where so many brands burn their money on a monthly basis. I’m not saying that it’s not interesting to advertise there for some strategies and brand engagement, but maybe you should assume a shift on budget to where it provides better ROI. Or maybe I’m just crazy for saying that out loud.

88% of Marketers — wait, let me write this again — 88% of Marketers say that email marketing is bringing them positive ROI. Maybe, they’re all crazy.

Even this article comes in right time to show a light for those who claim that teens are not using email. They’re not using it… as the rest of us have. But they’re still using it.

“[Email] can almost be considered a person’s ‘passport’ for the virtual world,” by Dan Buckstaff.

If you really need any more proof, this study from Adestra claims that the number one channel teens prefer to be reached by companies is… yeah, you’ve guessed it: Email.

Be completely honest with me, please. I know, you prefer to use Slack, Messenger or whatever to reach your colleagues and some clients or friends since it seems cool and it looks less cold business. A chat between friends you may add. However, could you completely ditch Email as a tool to reach other people on a private, personal way all together? In business? Why bother?

Let me ask you this: Do you find flying to visit other countries a boring thing? Do you call it tedious to drive along the coast on your car to see the sunset? Do you find it a nuisance to surf a perfect wave on that perfect day?

Well, all of these things are here for so much more time than email and yet you think they’re pretty awesome. What happened is that planes, cars and surfboards evolved. So as email in some ways. If done correctly it even adapts to your screen and all. But it needs more than that. It needs a revolution.

Forget about everything you know about email. What’s wrong with email marketing is that you still using it as years before. You blast one single message (personalised or not) to your entire list (or segments if you wish). What’s strange is that it still works. But you need to change that mentality.

What if I tell you that you can send the right message to the right person, at the right time, using complex big data algorithm? This is the ultimate goal and what we all should aim for as the next revolution in email marketing.

A collective Permission Based Subscribers List from top Publishers all integrated through a single platform to prevent duplicates and make use of even more information about the subscriber interests. A open Marketplace where you can segment your audience, reach new potential customers and to be sure that they’re getting your message when they’re ready to receive it? If you’re a marketer just tell me you haven’t dreamed with this.

It’s real. It’s here. The only Opt-in Email Marketing Marketplace in the World. Get to know EmailBidding and let its algorithm work on your behalf.

You’ll see better and better results as the days pass along and the platform gets to know more about how people react with your message. The Marketers needed this revolution. The Email Marketing Revolution.

Originally published at my personal blog here »



Rui Nunes

After more than 20 years working with Email Marketing and Automation, here’s what I’m doing now: Founder @sendXmail & @zopply, APPM Board Member